Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Sleeping Swamp.

11-28-23 SHORT HILLS: Thanksgiving has come and gone. Judy did the holiday for 15 people almost by herself. The guests brought sides, and Lily and Danna were here Wednesday night and Thursday morning to help with the chores. Judy was up at 5 AM to make stuffing and start the turkey. 

I am now doing PT with 100% weight bearing, the knee is as big as a pineapple, but mostly not painful. I can see walking on the horizon. 

Emmett continues to be much photographed, which has not had any adverse effect on growth and development.

Blue and Judy just left for Blue’s first therapy visit—Good luck, Little Dog.

A few days ago we did a drive by at he Great Swamp Nature Preserve. Everything looks dormant for the winter, but the streams are not yet frozen. We did see a few ducks and a bunch of Canada geese. 


Emmett in a rare moment between eating and sleeping.
Great Swamp looking gray and lifeless, but just waiting for a warm Spring day to begin stirring.
Another gray swamp, the white in the center is a flock of Canada geese.
A few ducks not yet ready for the commute.
Sleeping Swamp.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Note to 'Anonymous'.

 Blue's pronouns are 'she, her'.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Blue Stars.

11-19-23 SHORT HILLS: Tomorrow I start 75% weight bearing on the healing leg and the next week full weight bearing. The knee is still the size of a cantaloupe. 

The new golden, Blue, has passed her Therapy Dog exam with Creature Comfort. It’s the culmination of months of hard work by Judy training her for the certification. There’s another exam for B & B in a few weeks. Judy has changed a fearful, anxious dog into a star performer.

Emmett, now three plus weeks old, models a new outfit almost daily, and may be the most photographed celebrity since Diana. 

Carol sent a snapshot of Judy and me from a trip to Maine with her and Ken from 30 year ago.

Blue last summer in VT.
J and H, mid-nineties trip to Maine with Ken and Carol.
Emmett again.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Two Weeks for Emmett, The Leg Slowly Heals.

11-10-23 SHORT HILLS: Two weeks of age now for Emmett Benton Davis, who we visited earlier this week at his home in Greenwich Village along with proud parents, Anna and Gardner, and proud Grammy, Alison. It was an easy in-and-out for us in the middle of the day. Judy and I each held and fed him. We are thrilled.

I have started PT at JagPT in Chatham, and started weight bearing on the broken leg. I am allowed 25% weight bearing on the healing leg, and next week 50%. [I have no idea how to estimate 25 or 50% while using the walker.] But progress is progress. In two weeks, it’ll be 75%, and the next week full weight bearing, also known as walking. I have home PT to do as well.

Judy is busy prepping for Turkey Day here. She is amazing—getting all the work done by herself with the least bit of help from me or Margaret. 

Feeding the baby.
The new arrival with Mom and Dad.
Anna's first Birthday. Front row-Edith and Oscar, my parents. Middle row-Valerie, Alison, Anna. Back row-Glenn, Dan, me, Judy.