Friday, December 27, 2024

Snow and Ice--While They're Still Fun.

12-27-24 VERMONT: We have had more snow and plenty of cold. The views from the house look quite wintery. One day after some rain and then a freeze the road to town was flanked by crystalline trees in bright sunlight. The snow and ice are still novelties and a treat for the eyes. In a few weeks the novelty will have worn off. 

Judy’s party was a huge success. Alison, Dan and Lily were here for the party and to help before and after. We are still eating left-overs. 

I got outside in the snow to change the camera card in the game cam by the upper pond. We caught deer, fox, skunk, and one unknown that I’ll post for your guesses.

Bad weather predicted for Sunday so we go home tomorrow.


Shiny, icy trees after rain and freeze. We are only a couple miles north of this site, but had snow without the ice.
Here's the mystery animal. Not a fox or deer, doesn't look like any of the dogs in the neighborhood. Maybe a pig??
Me out in the snow to get the camera card. Judy accompanied me and took the pix.
Blue watched us playing in the snow but stayed in the driveway.
A bunch of apple trees glittering in the sun.
Snow while it's fresh and still on the trees.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Back in Vermont.

12-18-24 VERMONT: We came up Saturday on a bright sunny day. The house was very clean and warmed up quickly. We were last here at the end of August. Things look very different now. 

There was light snow cover and frozen ponds, but the last few days gave us warm rain and temps in the forties, which ate away some of the snow. The horses both are shaggy with winter coats. It’s going to get cold over the weekend and some snow is predicted.

We went for our tree on Sunday. Usually we cut one down at Nichols, but not this year, they are not letting customers cut their own, saving me from making excuses. We drove it home, and Scott helped us mount it and bring it into the living room. Judy decorated, while i tried to get the TV working.

We have had visits from the Listers, property tax assessors, the mouse hunter, who left poison bait and assured us the dogs were safe. Same Sun, the solar people were supposed to arrive today to fix a glitch in the system, but didn’t show. They said that they’ll try in February, but the system is working.  

We are doing the usual Xmas day party with the usual attendees invited. Judy is making the menus, lists for the marketing and other party planning. We did go and buy wine and beer. I have assisted on a lot of the errands using my cane, and the knee has held up well. 

The lower pond before the rain.
Horses in the sun.
The upper pond and brook between the ponds after the rain, still with snow.
Nice sunset after the rain. The pond is covered with rain.
Afraid that the freeze would turn the driveway into a skating rink, we went for buckets of sand at the town yard. The Sayre bridge is getting repairs this week.
The tree with St. Chelsea on top. This one is smaller, by a little, than usual.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The Parade of Misfortune Continues.

12-11-24 SHORT HILLS: Well things get stranger and stranger. First we lost heat here. The house temp settled at 65° and wouldn’t go higher. The problem, of course, happened on a weekend. Our calls to the installer were unanswered. A man from the gas company thought both the pumps of our tandem burners were dead. An agent from Pipe Works Services arrived next and was able to rig the pump that was working with parts from the other furnace to give us some heat. We decided to go with them for the repair, which turned into replacing the 22 year old units with new ones, which happened yesterday. We are now toasty warm.

Next problem is Facebook. All my posts are missing. Restarting, logging out and back in, FB help were all unable to restore the posts. I spoke to Val, who said that she could see my posts which was some relief. I’ll try it again tomorrow. 

Did I mention that I was hospitalized for pneumonia complicated by pulmonary emboli? I looked back and saw that I covered that episode. Rehab continues with walking and leg exercises. I’m still using the cane, but can do a few steps without it.


Emmett and I are both fans of grilled cheese sandwiches.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Turkey Weekend.

12-2-24 SHORT HILLS: Dr. Lee said that the clunk syndrome happens with de-conditioned muscles, so I’m trying to get reconditioned, walking with weights and doing leg exercises. I’m anti-coagulated with Eliquis, now taking one twice a day.

We decided not to go to the family T-day at Anna and Gardner’s, but had a miniature here with guest Bill for hors d’oeuvres [spelled it right first shot] by the fire. Lily and Danna visited after dinner. Friday Alison and Dan visited for most of the day, bringing Joe’s [popular sandwiches from the Millburn Deli.] Saturday Anna, Gardner and Emmett visited in the morning, also bringing Joes. Emmett loves Blanca and Blue and toys from our kids and grandkids, which came out of drawers and closets and trunks. Emmett has a sweet disposition, is almost ready to walk alone, and can say ‘bubbles’. We also had a long call from Val.

Lily and Danna and a bunch of friends went to VT for the weekend. They were greeted with many mouse droppings, which they cleaned up and set traps and killed several of the rodents. They all said they had a wonderful time with about six inches of new snow. We hired exterminators for the mice and a cleaning service for the house. We go up in a couple of weeks.

The horses Mom and Dad had acquired a third horse, but had to return her because she picked on Raven and even knocked her down at one point. Raven was unharmed, but such aggressive behavior is unacceptable.  

Let the party begin.
Blue, Emmett, me, Judy.
Me, Emmett, Blue and some of Judy.

Three horses--Raven in front, Peachez in back and the reject is on the left. Pix from the weekenders below...
Most of the gang.
Wish I was there.
Alpaca visit.
Somebody remembered a camera.
Two of my favs--Danna and Raven.