12-27-24 VERMONT: We have had more snow and plenty of cold. The views from the house look quite wintery. One day after some rain and then a freeze the road to town was flanked by crystalline trees in bright sunlight. The snow and ice are still novelties and a treat for the eyes. In a few weeks the novelty will have worn off.
Judy’s party was a huge success. Alison, Dan and Lily were here for the party and to help before and after. We are still eating left-overs.
I got outside in the snow to change the camera card in the game cam by the upper pond. We caught deer, fox, skunk, and one unknown that I’ll post for your guesses.
Bad weather predicted for Sunday so we go home tomorrow.
Shiny, icy trees after rain and freeze. We are only a couple miles north of this site, but had snow without the ice. Here's the mystery animal. Not a fox or deer, doesn't look like any of the dogs in the neighborhood. Maybe a pig?? Me out in the snow to get the camera card. Judy accompanied me and took the pix. Blue watched us playing in the snow but stayed in the driveway. A bunch of apple trees glittering in the sun. Snow while it's fresh and still on the trees.