7-4-14 SHORT HILLS: Where to start?? Well, Eoin and Joe spent a lot of the last weekend in VT with neighborhood friends, Gavin and Caitlin, in the pond. Maizie helped out with the swimming. Even Lucy was in the water.
We came back to NJ Tuesday to open July with haze, heat, humidity and a T-storm. Wednesday the five of us went to see Aladdin at the New Amsterdam Theatre, NYC. I was dreading another kid’s musical, but I have to confess that I loved it. The story is almost the same as the cartoon film of some years ago, but the iconic performance of Robin Williams as the voice of the Genie was eclipsed by the job done by James Monroe Iglehart. Adam Jacobs makes a very charismatic Aladdin. The parrot and the monkey from the film have been replaced by humans. The staging, costumes, music and choreography were great. No one seems to have come down with a sequin overdose as yet.
After the show we went to Val and Steve’s in Brooklyn Heights for a BBQ dinner on the deck, but got driven inside by another T-storm. There was enough rain to cause local flooding. Thanks, Val, for the feed.
After that stormy night, the boys left EWR yesterday morning for SFO before last night’s T-storm. We came home from the airport to catch up on sleep and laundry. Today Hurricane Arthur is off shore. So far we have gusty winds and only light rain. The prognosis for the fire works show is iffy. We go to Lynn and Bill's for dinner tonight.
New blooms: southern magnolia, beauty berry, tutsan, daylily, butterfly bush.

Luna Moth. Hanging on a screen the morning we left VT.

Hypericum androsaemum, is also known as St. Johns wort
. It has regrown from the ground after our severe winter.

Day lily, notice the difference between the inner and outer sets of petals.

Southern Magnolia puts out a huge, short-lived flower, a couple at a time for several weeks.

Fully opened
Magnolia grandiflora.

Pond dwellers.

Synchronized swimming.

Multiple floaties.