Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Apotheosis of Spring

4-19-06 SHORT HILLS: We’re back after a weekend trip to San José. Jon, Eoin and Joey were coughing all weekend. It rained both days and was colder than here. The red-eye ruins me for about 2 days even when I “sleep”.

In NJ there is no rain, they have it all in California. Perhaps a lot of rain one place means drought has to be happening somewhere else.

New blooms: apple tree and dogwood both starting. Together they are the apotheosis of spring, with lilacs of course. The later daffodils are so eye catching. how could any pollinator resist? I’ll post a bouquet.

Yesterday I did a lot of pruning and took two Subaru loads of dead wood to the dump including four rhododendrons. I hope this entry gets by the editor.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I can't seen any typos, but then again, I just . . . don't. I planted a rhododendrun in the big pot in the corner by the birdfeeder. It has big buds. When will it flower?
