4-25-06 VERMONT: The skies finally cleared this evening after more rain last night and this afternoon. I repaired the mint cover in the pasture. I was going to move it to another area, but saw mint shoots underneath so decided to leave it down for another season. I shoveled a lot of ox poop from the pasture to the vegetable garden site. I know discussion of that will make one reader pleased. Tomorrow I have a roto-tiller reserved to work all that ox excrement into the soil. I can taste the tomatoes already. Then I straighten up some fence posts. It is easy work now because the ground is still soft.
I also cut down and removed a bunch of low growing vegetative matter to open up an area of the yard, but I can’t say, “I was clearing brush.” You all know why.
I took a break from NOT CLEARING BRUSH, and don't try to tell I was CLEARING BRUSH because that's NOT WHAT I WAS DOING, and I was delighted to learn that you have been working with ordure of ox. Eva wants to know if you have enough and maybe need some of hers. Please write much more about your oxen and their poopoo.