Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Shivering in Vermont

5-23-06 VERMONT: This evening here it is in the 40’s, breezy and quite cool. There was over 5” of rain in the gauge which only goes up to 5.0. It was a wet two weeks. The grass is ready to be mowed for the first time. I counted about ten holes in the gardens representing perennials that turned up missing. Trips to the nursery coming up.

In bloom: forget-me-not, pulmonaria, viola, trillium, bleeding heart, Virginia blue bells, daffodil, dandelion, clatonia, lamium, epimedium, jack-in-the-pulpit, packysandra, creeping phlox, alkanet, wild strawberry, ajuga, vinca, blueberry, elderberry, forsythia, Judd viburnum, honey suckle, apple.


  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Are you saying someone dug up your plants??? That's not very Vermonty.
    Incidentally, Steve says he hasn't flamed your blog with those bizarre comments. Seems you have a bonafide weirdo as a fan, Howie!
    You've finally arrived...

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    i lik yur sight vary much. i lik floers. i wan too be yur fiend
