Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Clearing the Air

7-19-06 VERMONT: Last night’s cold front switched us over to clear dry air, blue skies and 82° temps. Life is worth living again. I did get most of the hedge work done yesterday, one last cartload of cuttings wheeled away. After a dry week, the swamp is almost dry enough for regular mowing.

Mr. Steve joins us tomorrow and Alison and Dan arrive Friday for camp visiting this weekend. Next week Judy and I do a side trip to Gloucester and Salem and visit Anna to view her performance in a play at Exeter. Last night Judy and I heard a few of the singers from Opera North in a church in Post Mills and were very impressed. We may go hear the performance of “Il Trovatore” in August.

New blooms: an annual poppy popped up, purple salvia, more fancy daylilies.

Veggie report: the corn is as high as my eye, ears and tassels starting, tomatoes are green marbles and golf balls, no little pumpkins yet and something ate most of the sun flower seedlings. Blue berries being eaten as they blue up.

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