Thursday, October 05, 2006
Fall Color
10-5-06 VERMONT: I came up yesterday with the air conditioner on and temps in the 70’s. There was 3.5 inches of rain in the gauge, an average month’s worth. Last night we had 0.35 more inches of rain. This morning it was windy, sunny but cool. After ten minutes outside, my hands were cold and my nose was runny. Going to town I had the heater on.
With the sun today, the color is brilliant even though we are past peak here. Peak is a spotty concept in that around the corner the trees are in a different phase and a mile further south trees are still green. Sun exposure, hill tops, valleys all affect the timing of color development.
The veggie garden is littered with a hundred of so rotting tomatoes. I did salvage a couple dozen ripe and green ones. We have half a dozen ripening pumpkins from soccer ball to softball in size.
New blooms: cimicfuga, chrysanthemum, more sedum, asters, witch hazel.
Thats a nice view of the trees, they are still very green here in the UK.