Thursday, October 12, 2006
Monarch and Geese
10-12-06 VERMONT: After the last post, I did the leaves with the blower. It took almost two days to do the driveway, around the house and the lawn. For about 12 hours the place looked immaculate, then a breezy day and a rain storm yesterday has it looking like nothing was done. I am, however, of the belief that the full mass of all the leaves on the ground is too big a job and that it is easier to push half of them around twice.
Yesterday Judy arrived for the weekend, and we had dinner in town and saw 'Departed'. It was great, great cast, surprises and some good acting.
Today I finished cleaning out the veggie garden, did some pruning and cut up a dead tree that was pinning down the wire fence, and put a new rail in the split-rail fence. I guess it will take another several days to have everything done.
Wildlife: The monarch butterflys were still here as of a few days ago, mostly sucking on the wild asters. I‘ll post a picture of one today on the cimicfuga. The cimicfuga bloomed this year, but usually gets killed by frost before getting this far. It seems to me the monarchs should get going on their migration.
On the way to Gile Mt. the other day, saw a blue heron in a road side stream.
Two days ago I saw a huge vee, actually more of an arc, of geese heading south. The main group must have had 100 to 150 birds. You hear them before seeing them. An advance group of less than a dozen were about five minutes ahead of the rest and were also honking continuously. The honking is probably the two, or more, groups maintaining contact. Is the first group scouting or just separated from the others? They move quickly. They appeared over the north tree line and disappeared to the south in five minutes covering maybe 2-3 miles. That would be 20-30 mph and in 8 hours about 200 miles
Good luck with the leave mate, I still have all that to look forward too, thankfully they bought me a decent blower last year which is a big help.