Monday, October 30, 2006

More Culture.

10-30-06 SHORT HILLS: Over the weekend we had rain, about two inches, served with high wind. The wind continued for a day after the rain and ending today. The yard was littered with sticks and branches. A lot of them were standing upright in the ground because it was so wet when they fell. Most of the branches were dead wood—natural pruning. I suppose that the decaying branch litter under a tree actually serves to return the minerals and/or nutrients to the soil that the tree pulled out of the earth while growing that branch. Today I broke up the big branches and cut down bamboo stalk that the storm broke.

Yesterday we saw Lily play soccer, another loss for her team. They, her parents, say it only happens when we, the grandparents, visit. The night before we took Anna to “A Chorus Line” for her birthday. The new production is almost identical to the original. I had a couple flashbacks to when we first saw it in the mid-seventies. The new cast looks a lot like the original cast. Recommended. They made mention of Darvon and Valium, popular, even ubiquitious, drugs then that are much less used now.

Friday we went to the Met Museum and saw to excellent exhibits, the Vollard and the Americans in Paris. Tomorrow we go to Brooklyn for Hallwoeen.

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