Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Feel the Warmth

2-6-07 SHORT HILLS: At least with the reality of Global Warming, those bitterly cold and windy winter days are a thing of the past. I sure don’t miss those. The difference between Climate and Weather: climate is what you expect; weather is what you get.

Gov. Perry gets credit for making the HPV vaccine mandatory for teen girls in Texas. Lets see if it actually happens. Some Texas parents are resisting because they think the vaccine will encourage promiscuity. They would rather see their daughters get cervical cancer than risk pre-marital sex. Is Perry getting a payoff from Merck? What so bad about promiscuity anyway?

Here’s a picture of Vermont that was used by the photographer as a post-card for many years. Since then the house has a metal roof and a paint job.


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