Wednesday, April 25, 2007


4-25-07 SHORT HILLS: Yesterday I did more rhododendron pruning, planted a small hydrangea, turned on and checked the sprinklers and made another dump run with a car load of cuttings. The sprinklers will need a repair visit as will the perimeter fence. The rhodos look terrible, maybe it was the warm winter followed by the cold spring. I fertilized them all again.

Today we went to the Met Museum for the Greek and Roman exhibit. The new space, in itself, is dramatic and beautifully done and the objects are presented to maximum effect. The whole exhibit covers about 1000 years. It is interesting how little change occurs from the earliest to the latest. Some tools and weapons are displayed, and they are not unlike the colonial metalware we have in Vermont. It just emphasises how much technology and art have evolved in the last 100 years compared to the previous 3000.

New blooms: dogwood, barberry, violet, dandelion.

Here are some more daffodils.

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