Wednesday, June 06, 2007

South Mountain Reservation.

6-6-07 SHORT HILLS: Judy and I took a couple of walks in the South Mountain Reservation. We visited the new dog park, and then I went to the waterfall. The reservation is huge, several square miles in area. It is bisected by the Rahway River which runs between the two basaltic ridges that form the park. The ridges are a failed rift zone that formed when Pangaea began to split apart. If things had worked out differently, Short Hills would be on the beach, and Newark and New England would be in Spain or Morocco. Instead the Atlantic Ocean is where it is, and we have a park.

Some of the vistas are as pretty as anything you will see anywhere, if you avoid the trash and graffiti. Presently in bloom in the park are: tulip tree, catalpa, wild rose, raspberry, privet, honeysuckle vines, and mt. laurel, looking especially good. The native rhododendron, near the river there’s a stand that must be an acre, are about to pop. Except for a couple of spots that are planted, all the vegetation is on its own and everything is a volunteer, most native but some introduced species that have spread from cultivation.

The views to the east from the top are of Manhattan and the Verrazano Bridge and to the south, from Washington Rock, of Millburn. This last site is of Revolutionary War significance and has its own plaque. There were lots of dog walkers, hikers, skaters and bikers. Bikes are only allowed on the paved roads.


Rahway River, West Branch.

Mountain Laure.

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