1-24-08 VERMONT: It has been a cold week. After that one warm, sunny day it has been in the teens and twenties all week. One day started with minus five. The dogs don’t seen to mind, but the people do. It doesn't get light until 7 AM, and gets dark at 4 PM. Almost every day there have been snow flurries and mostly cloudy skies, and today is typical.
Snow on the ground, in the air and in the sky.
The electrician was here and the electrical system is in order. The dog invisible fence has been repaired. We replaced the DVD player which had been zapped in some summer electric storm and added a better surge protector to that media cabinet.
The social swirl was unaffected by the weather. We went to a party at the Katz’s with the Nelsons and Hanlons, and then we had the Robinsons to dinner to watch the Giants win, then the Hanlons and Hannons, and then the Koreys last night. Add in a class luncheon on Tueday. Yesterday I got to the Dartmouth Skiway for the afternoon. It was cold, but fun for a few hours. That’s the first skiing as a seventy pluser.
Oops, almost forgot to mention the visit to Manchester, NH to see the new puppy, Gus. Back to NJ tomorrow.
Everyone wants to know: When does Gus come to stay?