Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Brady Bunch Gets Stomped.

2-5-08 SHORT HILLS and NAPLES, FL: How ‘bout those Giants? Big Blue stomped, Michael Strahan’s word, the New England Patriots. They were two TD underdogs to the team that was 18/0 for the season. Of course 18/1 is a remarkable season, never done before, but too bad about that last game.

It all reminded me of 1986 when the Mets made an astounding recovery to win the World Series. Now who was it they beat? Oh yes, the Soux, the Boston Red Soux.

My new hat.

The Giants barely won their wild card spot and were underdogs for all their wins in the post-season. Once again, a team having a mediocre season got hot at the right time and won it all. We watched the game as guests of Ken and Carol in Naples, FL.

They have a beautiful house just off the Gulf on a bay that puts their boat next to the swimming pool. We were there for the weekend. They took us boating, we lunched at the Golf Club, toured the town, biked, swam, dined out, ate in and saw lots of birds. The birds included: Great Horned Owl, Eagles, Ospreys, Peregrine Falcon, Great Blue Heron, egrets, curlews, oyster catchers, pelicans and others. We also had dolphins riding the boats wake. On a street near their house is a gigantic banyan tree where we saw the owl. That lot is for sale. I hope whoever buys the lots lets the tree remain undisturbed.

The town is attractive, clean and looks quite prosperous. Like Short Hills, new construction is built on tear-down sites. There seemed to be more out-of-state license plates than Florida plates. There were cars, mostly shiny, new, imported and expensive, from MA, NY, NJ, MI, KY, CN, PA to list some I remember. Walking around in shorts and crocs for a couple of days was great. VT tomorrow.

Bald Eagle is next door neighbor.

Now this is a tree.

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