3-2-08 SHORT HILLS: The beginning of March, only a few weeks of winter left. At this point in the year, the sun is on the steep part of its curve moving from about 12° of latitude below the equator on February 21st up to the equator on the vernal equinox, March 21st, and then to 12° above the equator on April 21st. That excursion is half of the sun’s total north-south yearly variation completed in sixty days. The reverse happens between August and October.
On the ground it doesn’t feel like spring. We have had a series of snowstorms, all followed by warming and rain that took care of the snow. Is global warming over? No way. Not until the carbon dioxide levels are lowered which won’t happen for decades after intervention begins, which it hasn’t. Our cold and wet winter may be due to La Nina, the opposite of El Nino. Anyway, as they say, climate is what you expect, weather is what you get.
Gus the puppy has almost doubled his weight in the past three weeks. Chloe is a good auntie and roughhouses with Gus several times a day. Sam’s attitude is “whatever”. She doesn’t interact with him. Nick is still jealous and resentful. He hasn’t attacked the puppy again, but usually turns his back and stalks off when we play with Gus.
Gus is gonna look this in a few months.
I especially like the strand of frozen drool in Nick's jowls.