4-18-08 VERMONT: We have had two hot days with temps almost reaching 80° in the afternoon and not dropping to freezing overnight. The pond went from frozen over yesterday morning to ice free tonight. Yesterday the pond got to the point of being about half thawed, and the fish appeared from under the ice in a very tight school. By today the fish are dispersed into several loose groupings. The ice was completely gone by late this afternoon, and the water temperature is in the forties. The pond is clearer than it has been in years, probably because it’s new water. There has been so much inflow from all the snow melt that the water in the pond has been changed a few times. This water may have started the winter in the south Atlantic or even the Pacific and been carried to Thetford in a snowstorm and snowed out of its cloud to land in our yard.
Yesterday a handfull of Canada geese went by on their commute north. Today a male mallard tried out the pond for about an hour before moving on.
I have been busy. Yesterday I chain-sawed the trees that had fallen on the pasture fence and in the pasture and repaired a broken leg on the picnic table. That repair was so successful that I ate dinner on the deck. Today I checked the pH of the soil around the blueberries, too high, and acidified and fertilized them and mulched with peatmoss. Hopefully they will do better this year. I also changed water filters and did a bit more clean up where the snow has melted.
New blooms: lots more snowdrops.
Pond ice yesterday.
Pond ice today.
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