6-10-08 BIG HOLE LODGE, WISE RIVER, MONTANA: Today we had a selection of weather to please everyone. We started at 8AM with sun and cold, by nine-rain, then sleet, then snow with wind for a few hours, moving on to clearing, sun with gusting winds and finally a snow flurry. Gordon and I were back on the Big Hole River in a drift boat, rowed by Mike, our guide. We fished in the snow, the sun, the wind, on white water, out of the boat on the bank and back in the boat. I had my best day catching at least nine fish, a lot for this trip. That included a 22.5 inch brown trout. In centimeters, that’s 57.15. I caught rainbows and brookies also. Gordon had a good day too. [Everyone does catch and release, if I haven't mentioned that before.]
We have seen birds: bald eagle, golden eagle, osprey, pelicans, pheasant, heron, northern shoveler duck, merganser duck, mountain bluebird, western tananger, magpie, meadow lark, redwing blackbird, swallows. When I remember the others I’ll add to the list.
Big Hole River. Brown trout and Admirer.
Bald Eagle. Does not believe in 'catch-and-release'.
Female Merganser catching some rays.
Osprey. "Catch and what?"
Big Hole River.
Big Hole River white water.
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