8-25-08 VERMONT: When we were in Burlington last week, we bought an old barn louvered vent at the same place where we got the park bench. This week I put the louvre near the peak of the garage gable to dissipate the heat produced by the generator. The generator, which is like a car engine, not only runs when the electricity goes out, but it also does a self-test each week. The garage gets pretty hot while it’s running. When the generator first went in, I made an exhaust pipe to prevent carbon monoxide accumulation in the garage, but never got around to the heat issue until I happened on the louvre. I cut the hole with a reciprocating saw and re-used the removed pine siding to make a frame for the louvre. The installation, of course, required a new power tool, a table saw, because I had to rip-cut the siding to make a proper frame and also to rip a new slat for that park bench. Questions about the need for the new saw were raised within the household. There’s now a pretty good sized herd of power tools milling [?] around in the basement.
You heard it here first. There’s going to be an early fall. Phlox that usually bloom in September are out. Apples are reddening that usually ripen later in the season. Many trees are beginning to show color, and a few leaves are already down.
New blooms: sedum, wild mint.
August Garden.
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