Sunday, October 05, 2008


10-5-08 SHORT HILLS: Meanwhile back at the election, I’ve figured out of whom Palin reminds me.

She is glib, superficial, speaks in a rush of tossed and chopped word salad, full of inconsistencies, half-truths, distortions and outright lies, and has a sneering veneer and a regional accent. Her inadequacies are papered over by her cheerleaderish cheeriness. She is unprepared for office or debate except for talking point hash. Big hint—she uses “nucular” for nuclear.

She is W redux. If you liked the last eight years, then go with this reincarnation of the worst president in history. But, you say, she is only the veep candidate. Given McCain’s age and health status as a melanoma sufferer, there’s a significant chance, maybe 15% or 20%, of his not completing his term of office should [choke/gasp] he be elected.

As Sarah Silverman says, “Tell your NaNa to vote for Obama.”

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