Monday, March 30, 2009

The Promise

3-30-09 SHORT HILLS: We have had some nice days, and I have started the season’s work. I pruned dead wood and winter kill, that means snow plow damage, from the junipers on Westview Rd. It took about two days and created a good pile for the dump. I fertilized all the evergreen shrubs that need an acidifying fertilizer and most of the other shrubs and bulbs. I took down the wisteria by the back door, another non-boomer, to about six inches. It had grown far up into the sweet gum tree on the back patio and made another nice pile. Most of last spring's plantings look fine. You do remember all of them, don’t you? The southern magnolia and the scotch brooms might be dead.

That magnolia was girdled by the deer, not by eating it, but by the bucks scraping their antlers on the tree, scratching off the bark all the way around the one inch in diameter tree. Other small trees were scraped but not girdled. Speaking of the little deers, they did eat all the ivy beds, hopefully they will re-grow.

The grass is starting to green up. The weeds that make up most of our ‘lawn’ are awakening. The thing about this earliest part of the season is the promise of the flowering to come.

New blooms: daffodil and forsythia.

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