Monday, May 18, 2009

Frost Warnings.

5-18-09 VERMONT: I had a easy trip up Sunday. Judy comes up tomorrow. Today I bought fertilizer, barley straw pellets for algae in the pond, aluminum sulfate to acidify acidophiles, lime for alkalinophiles, if there is such a word. I also bought tomatoes, herbs, thyme for the new patio, a clematis and a some odds and ends. Scott has finished the patio, but seeing it done, I think it needs a few more pavers to soften the edges.

Today was cool and windy which kept the black flies at bay. There are frost warnings for tonight and it's already down to the low forties.

In bloom: apple trees, snowball viburnum, moosewood, azalea, bleeding hearts, forget-me-not, jack-in-the-pulpit, mertensia, viola, wild strawberry, foam flower, pulmonaria, yellow lamium, trillium, primrose, spurge, creeping phlox, hellebore, vinca, pachysandra, alkanet.

Early gardens, everything is pending.

Cushion spurge will brighten up any spot.

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