Saturday, June 13, 2009

Horses Are at the Gate.

6-13-09 VERMONT: Yesterday I awoke to hard rain and did errands in town until the water stopped. The dogs love the excursions in the car. Sam barks at pedestrians, bicyclists, flashing lights and, especially, other dogs. In the afternoon, I finished the chainsawing of the old stump and cleared some saplings from the TV antenna line of sight. Then, a terrace dinner at the Katz’s where their indigo bunting made an appearance.

Today the horses arrived for the summer, two this year, both brown with black manes and tails, one has a white star on the forehead. I introduced myself and passed out carrots to the assembled equines and canines at the fence gate. I weeded and pruned, pruned and weeded my way around the house. NJ maƱana.

New blooms: siberian iris, bearded iris, early day lilies, weigela.

"Why aren't you smiling? Is it that dog?"

This butterfly is actually a moth-the Eight Spotted Forester-the other four spots are on the under-wings and not visible. It's not usually seen in VT. It was probably blown in on the last storm and seems right at home.
Most Vermonters are from 'away'.

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