Monday, August 17, 2009

A Twofer.

8-12-09 VERMONT: It continues to rain everyday. We have had another 0.55 inches, and the yard remains soggy. Last night’s serving of rain came with a side order of electricity.

Today we went to Greensboro, VT to see Caspian Lake—beautiful—and visit Vermont Daylilies. The nursery has hundreds of different cultivars of daylilies. We bought four which will occasion a new bed for those and some other hybrids. The four are: ‘Fire Lane’, ‘Dewey Roquemore’, ‘Betty Warren Wood’, and ‘Lime Frost’. The first two are bright red, the third is yellow with frilled petals, and the last is white with a green throat—all dramatic. We lunched at the Highland Inn and drove back through Peacham which remains a delight—worth a trip.

Not your father's daylily-'Fire Lane'.

New wildlife sightings include a great blue heron visit to our pond, a coyote on I-91 and a tiny snapping turtle, about three inches long, who snuck into the pond.

New blooms: chrysanthemum.

8-17-09 VERMONT: Well, we survived. Alison and Dan had about thirty guests here, college classmates, spouses and children. The dogs were a big hit with all the kids except for one whose initials are, AMF. The septic system conked out Sunday, but was pumped out on Monday.

General Gus leading his troops.

The new daylilies and some other hybrids were tucked into a new bed before the weekend, and I bought some hostas and lingularia to fill the spots newly emptied by the transplants.

Lily stayed behind when her family left. We have offered her asylum. Lonnie and Bette arrived for a sleep-over as the horde departed, and now they have moved on to Northampton.

New blooms: helianthus.

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