Monday, September 07, 2009

Texas Takes Leave.

9-7-09 SHORT HILLS: We’re back in NJ, and everything is more or less as it was when we left in June. I did find a huge branch down in the yard from an ash tree. Weeds are everywhere. The pool was almost overflowing from all the rain, even though I had siphoned half the water out before we had left for VT.

I noticed Rick Perry [Gov of Texas] is again talking up secession. He had made an executive order for all the girls in the state to get the herpes vaccine shortly after it was released, and took a lot of heat for that from the legislature. [No one in Texas should interfere with a parent’s right to let their kid get cancer.] It may be that the secession talk is just to build up his rep/con cred [or would that be crud] for the up-coming election.

I would be fine with Texas leaving. We lived there for two years, and I’m fine without it. We would, of course, need to re-think the border fence. In fact, maybe we should expell states that are uphappy with the elected government. A new U.S.A. with 25 or 35 states would work fine. The others, if they wished to conjoin, could call themselves something like the Confederacy.

In bloom: rose-of-sharon, hosta, fall wild flowers [weeds].

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