Saturday, December 05, 2009

Weather Potpourri.

12-5-09 VERMONT: We’ve been here for a few days. We arrived to sunny and cold, switched to warm with heavy rain, then back to sunny and cool, and today, snow. There are puddles everywhere and mud from the rain. All the brooks are white and foamy torrents. The pond was covered with a layer of ice, quite thin, when we arrived that rapidly vanished.

The turkeys were in the pasture yesterday afternoon but trotted off when we turned the lights on. This morning they were around the pond, but left when the camera shutter clicked.

I did some pick-up-sticks, residua of the wind storm at the beginning of the week, and put out the reflectors in the driveway to guide the snow plowers. [as if] I cut down a small pine to bring to NJ for Xmas.

Survived November.

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