Monday, June 07, 2010

Brady Arrives.

6-7-10 VERMONT: The trip up was punctuated by a pair of intense showers, each with about ten minutes of blinding rain. The outside temperature dropped from the mid-eighties to the mid-sixties after the storms. There was 1.25 inches of rain in the gauge which is fine for the two weeks we were away. Nothing looks thirsty. Today was clear, breezy, cool with a few brief sprinkles.

The big news today was Brady the horse came for the summer pasture. The pasture grass and wild flowers are thigh high—Brady got to work on it after a half hour of exploring.

I got to work on a bunch of chores—hung a screen door, straightened a fence post, weeded, put in some plant supports, filled bird feeders, started the mosquito magnet, etc. The veggie garden has one sickly looking tomato plant that will be replaced. A few corn seeds didn’t germinate and I replanted in those spots.

Before we left NJ yesterday, I noticed that two day lilies had opened.

In bloom: alkanet, azalea, bishops weed, bleeding heart [both kinds], blueberries, buttercup, celandine, centaurea, clover [red and white], columbine, cranesbill, daisy, day lily [apricot], epimedium, forget-me-not, foxglove, geranium, hesperis, indian-paint-brush, iris [yellow flag, bearded, siberian], jack-in-the-pulpit, jacobs ladder, ladies mantle, lamium, lilac, lily-of-the-valley, lupin, may apple, meadow rue, peony, poppy, raspberry, rogersia, rose, solomons seal, spirea [two kinds], strawberry, stephanandra, thyme, valerian, veronica, weigela.

Our first day lily, an early apricot.

Brady asked if Carol was here, I told him she would be here for the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Great post and beatiful pictures. You obviously have good soil and the right amount of rain.
