The same heat wave that baked the Apple broiled Vermont. There has been an explosion of new flowers popped open by the heat. Here, at least, there was rain, 0.70 inches, with more coming down tonight.
The blueberries are ripening and I picked a quart and also got a handful of tomatoes. The corn is forming tassels.
New blooms: ligularia, more hosta, mallow, spirea, potentilla, more phlox, asian lilies, yarrow, helenium, echinacea, hollyhock, more monarda, joe pye weed, monks hood, sun flower, hybrid day lilies.
The new day lilies are quite distinctive. The basic format is two sets of three petals. Both of these have different sets of petals.
All the petals here are fat and frilly, and of course deep red.
These yellow petals are all spidery.
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