Friday, September 03, 2010

New Jersey is Hot.

9-3-10 SHORT HILLS: We left Vermont on the first and had an easy trip except for construction delays. Everything was in order here, no nasty surprises, no fallen trees. It’s been in the high ninties until today when Mister Earl arrived. He has cooled things off, but so far has delivered no rain or wind. Part of the yard could use the rain because some of the sprinklers are not working. Repairs are scheduled for next week.

I have braved the heat to do a little bit of weeding. Three of the new shrubs have died—heat stroke? I’ll condider replacement options when things cool off. The house plants, outside for the summer, have enjoyed their holiday. They have grown so big that we may have difficulty getting a few back inside.

The lawn, so-called, actually looks OK by my, loosest, of standards. The Goldens immediately tested to see if holes can be excavated where the defenseless baby grasses were fighting for survival.

In bloom: hosta, rose of sharon, roses, butterfly bush, hydrangea, abelia, clematis, and wild asters and other weeds.

Rose of Sharon has been blooming for two months.

Butterfly Bush usually, readily demonstrates why it is so named.

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