Saturday, October 09, 2010

More Foliage.

10-9-10 VERMONT: Yesterday and today were both lovely, although there was a shower yesterday at dusk. I pulled out all the flower bed borders yesterday and labeled them all and put them in the barn. Then I started cutting down stalks of phlox, peony, beebalm, hollyhock, bleeding heart, delphinium, day lily, filipendula and others that are done for the season. Other flowers like hosta, sedum, alkanet, boltonia, rogersia, turtle head, aster are still green and some still blooming. There are more beds to do, but I’m caught up for the moment. There is a frost predicted for tonight, so I may have more to do tomorrow.

Today we did errands and drove to Woodstock, VT on the back roads which are usually gorgeous in foliage season. And so they were today, but the color was a bit more muted and muddy then in other years. The leaf season is early this year, and trees in parts of Pomfret and Sharon are mostly bare. Those heavy rain and wind storms probably did it. Nevertheless, I did get some nice pix to post, but I’ll do it next week with the faster connections in NJ.

Eagle-eyed Judy saw a bear in Norwich, not far from the town center and later flushed a grouse in our pasture, neither of which I got to see. We did see a mama turkey with two chicks this afternoon.

Mt. Lafayette in the center, in the White Mountains. That's about 40 miles away to the NE.

After heavy rain, interesting mushrooms pop up.

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