Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Sun Sinks South.

10-20-10 SHORT HILLS: The weather has been seasonal. We got another 0.1 inches of rain.

We are one month past the Equinox, when the sun was on the Equator, and the sun is now half way down to its southernmost declination. On this date in August, the sun was at the corresponding declination in the northern hemisphere. The sun has moved 23° of latitude southward in 60 days.

The foliage color, a response to the sun’s movement, is good here in NJ and, again, changing earlier than usual, a response to some unknown effect of the weather this growing season.

Sweet Gum Tree.

Sugar Maple.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Beautiful trees, it's a shame soon they will be bare for a while.
