2-5-11 SHORT HILLS: After the ice storm, it warmed up and rained enough to de-ice almost everything over night. Then it got very cold, and it all froze again, leaving a icy crust on the top of the snow. Some places it can support my weight, and, in others, I break through and am in knee-deep snow. With the aid of melting chemicals, I opened a path down the driveway to the kitchen door and driveway drain. The ice pack was 3-4 inches thick.
Today it is raining again with temps in the low thirties. We’re getting a little melting now, but that will turn to icing as it gets into evening. They call this precip a wintry mix—sounds like what the bartender offers to go with your beer, but not so tasty.
The feeders have been mobbed today. We have had up to five pairs of cardinals, four blue jays, titmice, juncos, sparrows, woodpeckers, goldfinch, red finches, chickadees and nuthatches.
Same here in deep south Texas. We just had an ice storm which killed all my tropicals. Beautiful photo of the bird, thanks for sharing.