3-14-11 SHORT HILLS: The last patch of snow was down to an ice cube yesterday, a wet spot this morning and is now dried up. A month ago I couldn’t see over the top of the pile. It’s a metaphor for the housing market, investment portfolios or your own favorite disaster. Speaking of disasters, lots of houses in NJ are still underwater, and flooding problems persist, too.
Today was cold, overcast, gusty and uncomfortable—March. Actually there were a few flakes in the air this morning. Yesterday was a bit more pleasant, and I moved a few small plants around. Judy would say, “Re-accessorizing.” I moved a Star-of-Bethlehem out of the lawn area to a bed, I put some Rose-of-Sharon shoots and a small blueberry into the damaged area. Vermont later this week.
New blooms: lots more crocus.
You won't find no snow here in Vermont. Or snowdrops. Our reaccessorizing has to do with snow removal ..... Give a shout when you get here.