The cold weather has frozen Spring in its tracks. All the flowers poised to bloom—daffodils, forsythia, spice bush, squill, to name a few—have just not moved for days. If you think about it, it makes sense. The point of flowers is to attract pollinators, and the bugs, most pollinators are insects, don’t hatch out or circulate on these harsh days. So the flowers, apparently temperature sensitive, are waiting for better days for the pollinators.
New blooms: on hold....
Here's the Andromeda that I mentioned in the last post.
A couple more quilts, both feather patterns. Check out the stitching work.
John checked all of his little pollinators today, and reported in that both hives are happy and well but staying inside, even though it almost hit 50 here today. Stillburied in snow on this side of the street.
I just got back from Charleston,SC where Spring had arrived. Long Island is on a holding pattern too. Everything is about to bloom, but not much yet. Cheers from the Jarvis House Garden
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