The columbine that I limed on our last visit to VT, has done very well and looks better than all the others. Looking at the columbine, it struck me that they often grow next to the foundation of the new house which is poured concrete or calcium carbonate, with some magnesium carbonate, or lime. Anyway, I limed all the rest of the columbine.
Today I did more weeding, Judy did a ton of weeding yesterday, and then I cleaned up all the piles of cutting and weedings. I set up the tomato cages in the veggie garden and admired the first tomato flower. In the afternoon I re-built the culvert wall and shoveled sand and gravel back onto the road. The hot days seem to have been a boost to flowering and loads of new stuff has come out. NJ tomorrow.
New blooms: more azaleas, more viburnum, columbine, yellow lamium, false solomons seal, more geranium, ajuga, may apple, buttercups-yellow and white.
That mound is about five azaleas, varying from orange to salmon to pink shades. Besides Judy's cart, there are bleeding hearts, lamium, pulmonaria and lots of forget-me-not.