Sunday, May 22, 2011

The World Goes On.

5-22-11 SHORT HILLS: Yesterday was warm and sunny, except for the evening T-storm, and a pleasant change from the rain, but today is overcast, cold, foggy and drizzly. We got no significant additional accumulation with those last rains. At least the plants seem happy.

Yesterday we saw Maggie in the Heights Players production of “Bye Bye Birdie”. It was an excellent staging, in the round, with minimal sets and props and well worth the $20 ticket. We had a nice dinner at Colonie on Atlantic Ave a few blocks from the theater.

Since I’m writing this and, perhaps, someone will be reading it, the world, once again, didn’t end or whatever it was that was predicted. I hope not too many are disappointed. Somehow, I’m sure somebody made a bundle out of it all, stealing from the gullible.

Vermont tomorrow.

Rose is a tease, lifting one veil at a time.

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