Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Summer Swirl.

7-6-11 VERMONT: Well, I meant to post on the Fourth and then on the fifth, but here we are on the sixth. It feels like summer now, hot, humid and hazy—love it. We have had a few sprinkles with, at most, 0.2 inches of rain.

I have been busy with garden work and yesterday started on the bench repair/rebuild. Phil Serlin was here last night after finishing a Spanish immersion course at Hanover. Today Lily visits on a camp day off. Tonight we have dinner with Dave and Gail, and tomorrow Ina comes here for dinner. It’s not a social whirl, but whirlpool.

New blooms: astilbe, filipendula, delphinium.

We spotted these night lilies on the Fourth, they seem to be a short-lived species.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great fireworks photos!! What sort of camera did you use?
