Saturday, August 20, 2011

High Tide on the Red Sea.

8-20-11 VERMONT: Oops, time slips away, sorry, dear reader. Judy and I just celebrated our, gasp, fiftieth anniversary, talk about time slipping away. The days have been pretty, and we had a bit more rain last night. Alison is here to pick up Lily, whose camp counselor session has ended. The four of us had dinner with big sister, Anna, last night. Anna is finishing her summer term and looking forward to a fall internship in NYC.

Tomatoes fill the kitchen, big, little, in-between, red, orange in baskets and bowls. We started harvesting and eating corn. We shuck the corn in the pasture because Brady the horse loves the shuckings.

I got the chain saw back from a servicing yesterday and sliced up an aspen that had fallen into the pasture from the adjacent woods. The newly sharpened saw cut through the tree trunk like a hot knife through butter. Today I did a little more work on the culvert. NJ tomorrow.

New blooms: ligularia dentata.

Lobelia, also comes in red and is called Cardinal Flower for reasons unknown to me. The buds on the stalks open from bottom to top.

This bumblebee is chest deep in the lobelia cup, getting his nectar treat and spreading pollen.

I believe this is a honeybee, a rarity this year, on the clematis.

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