Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Where are the birds?

10-4-11 SHORT HILLS: It continues to rain almost daily, but has cooled off. With lower temps, the air had been wrung out, and the humidity is lower. I have been able to close all the windows and cabinets and doors. In a normal year, we should have had less than 36 inches of rain to date, but we are at 57 inches. September totalled over 8 inches, more than twice normal.

Bird feeder activity is down, both NJ and VT, since the hurricane and other storms. Have they moved away? Have their food resourses been damaged by the storms? Were the new fledglings killed? Or the adults? Anyone have any thoughts?

My geology site describing the geology of several popular hikes in the Upper Valley of the Connecticut River/Dartmouth area has finally debuted. Check it out. The link is to the right.

I have been trying to ID this shrub, growing in Zone 6 [NJ] under shade trees. It's 7-8 feet tall with 4-5 grayish trunks with stipules. The leaves, flowers and berries are shown, the leaves are a bit fuzzy underneath. Anyone? I used the Virginia Tech dendrology site and think that it's 'Ilex verticillata - winterberry holly'.


  1. I think that that is correct. There must be many of these bushes in the area because to get such lovely berries, you need both sexes of the plant.

  2. I think you're right. My instinctive thought was winterberry.

  3. Mike R5:21 PM

    Many of your summer birds are heading out of doge...particularly in VT. RB grosbeaks, goldfinches etc...leaving. But u should start to be getting the winter birds any day...juncoes, white throats, more chickadees, then later in winter the northern finches. It's kinda the lull between summer birds and winter birds.
