Saturday, February 25, 2012

Big News: Snow in Vermont in February.

2-25-12 VERMONT: Last night we hosted a party mostly for folks on our road to meet some new neighbors. Like all of Judy’s dinner parties, this one was a huge success. The preparation was in the works for several days. I tried to stay out of the way. Everyone brought wine, all of which disappeared by the end of the evening.

It snowed most of yesterday, but the intrepid Vermonters showed up in spite of the weather. We got 6 or 7 inches overnight. This morning the wind started blowing, gusting to the mid-twenties, with the temperature hovering around freezing. The new snow has been creeping eastward across the tops of the ridges, driven by the west wind, and settling into low spots. The sun has occasionally peeked out from between clouds. The roofs are shedding snow, every few minutes there’s a loud thump when it slides off the metal roofs and hits the ground.

There was enough snow for us to snowshoe around the pasture with the dogs which tired them out, as well as us. NJ tomorrow.

That's closer to what Vermont is supposed to look like in February.

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