Two yews by the corner of the pool fence died over the winter and were cut down. Having them gone made the pool fence work a bit easier. Yesterday I moved a couple small viburnum volunteers to that area to fill the gap. I also picked up top soil and the town dump and filled Gus's holes in the yard.
Today I added another Yoshino Cherry tree [Prunus x yedosensis] to what will someday be an allee of flowering cherries. Of the five already there, three look great, one has a half dead crown, but may be OK, and the fifth was almost girdled by a male deer scraping the velvet off his antlers. I anticipate needing to replace that one but will wait until it is clearly dead before pulling it up. We have lost young trees to the deer before, and I forgot to protect the trunk when it was planted.
New blooms: dogwood [in March!].
Yoshino Cherry Blossom.
English Ivy Berries ripen to blue color.
Pulmonaria, the blue flowers await pollinating, the red ones have been pollinated, but increase the mass and aroma of the display to better attract pollinators to the cluster.
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