Friday, March 16, 2012


3-16-12 VERMONT: It was overcast when we arrived yesterday, in the fifties, and began to rain in the evening and continued all day today. We have foggy forties now. The pond is still frozen, but slushy around the edges. There is snow around the house, brownish, icy, slushy snow overlying mud. The house yard is a shaded, north facing slope that doesn’t get sun. The pasture faces to the south and the sun, so melts out faster. The melting snow raises the humidity and cools the air creating fog. Our dirt road is a swamp with deep ruts and potholes filled with meltwater. There is no snow at all in southern Vermont.

This happens every year in Vermont, but usually in April, March is ordinarily a winter month.

New blooms: the snowdrops are up with a few flower buds.

Snow around the house. Those two piles are the snow that was shoveled off the deck.

The pasture clears first.

The air is filled with the melted snow.

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