Friday, April 27, 2012

Chestnuts in Bloom.

4-27-12 SHORT HILLS: It has been sunny, quite windy and cool.

We have a magnificent red oak in our yard that we have been admiring for forty years. The last ten years or so, it has been losing branches, bigger and bigger ones. This year only two lower branches have good foliage, and we are afraid that it will soon be time to take down the remains of the tree. It has a burl-type of growth that has been slowly encircling the base of the tree and probably killing it.

I planted a red horsechestnut, Aesculus x carnea Briotii, in its shadow today. It is a nice seven-footer and will be a fine replacement someday. I also bought a bunch of small shrubs to fill an area on the south side of the house where the grass never grows. I’ll list them as they get planted.

New blooms: Solomons seal.

Tomato Update: Sun Gold Tomato, now about a foot tall. They all look leggy and need outside, full sun, but it's too cold and too windy. Just about one month until they go into the ground.

1 comment:

  1. So sad to lose an old tree, a friend tree. But yes, we do ave to plant for the future, even if it is not our future.
