Saturday, April 14, 2012

Routine Gardening

4-14-12 SHORT HILLS: Another California day, cool overnight and seventies during the afternoon, lots of sun, but we really need a good soaker. I spent the day in the yard trimming, pruning, weeding, raking in all up and composting it. I go to VT tomorrow to do the same things there.

New blooms: wood hyacinth.

Snowball Viburnum, pretty, but the aroma is somewhere between glorious and overwhelming.


  1. Jane Lucy10:12 AM

    I have been looking everywhere for one of these shrubs. My father had an abundance of them, and after he passed away, I transplanted some, however, I am guessing they were too large to be moved as they did not survive the transplant. I would give anything to locate one for purchase, can you please tell me the exact name and if you know, where I could obtain several of them? Thank you in advance! You may contact me at

  2. Jane Lucy10:13 AM

    I have been looking everywhere for one of these shrubs. My father had an abundance of them, and after he passed away, I transplanted some, however, I am guessing they were too large to be moved as they did not survive the transplant. I would give anything to locate one for purchase, can you please tell me the exact name and if you know, where I could obtain several of them? Thank you in advance! You may contact me at
