Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Memories.

5-28-12 VERMONT: Another good one. Memorial Day to me is a memory of storms, cold rain, overcast skies as a kid at the Jersey Shore. Later in life there were Memorial Day weekend sailboat races on Long Island Sound from Larchmont to Block Is. and back, with stormy weather and rough seas, or no wind and being becalmed for hours, usually both. I don’t remember hot, mid-summer weather this early in the season, especially in Vermont.

Sorry, Dear Reader, to put you to sleep with stories of ‘back when’. Today I did the mowing around the barns with the string trimmer and also mowed around the veggie garden and the roses and blueberries and zapped a lots stinging nettle, burdock and one thistle. Then did a little pond work, the algae problem seems controlled, before we had dinner with Anna in Hanover.

Judy bought her table at the auction. NJ tomorrow.

New blooms: hesperis, iris, golden alexander.
Purple Finch??

1 comment:

  1. I love your stories of the past. Not boring. I remember how cold the ocean was there in May and June but we WOULD try to go in.
