Monday, July 23, 2012

Pirates, Lilies, Gile.

7-23-12 VERMONT: We’ve had no rain for several days, and I watered the veggies yesterday, but a T-storm is looming to our west on the radar.

It was a busy weekend. Val and Steve were here to pick up Lucy at the end of her camp session, and Val’s friend Rebecca and her sons, Simon and Toby, were here inspecting a camp for her boys for next year. All four of the boys got along surprisingly well.

We had a picnic at Camp Aloha Saturday afternoon and were back there for the big show Saturday night. The show was ‘Pirates of Penzance’. It was quite enjoyable, especially because there were chairs this year instead of only benches. Steve approved of the selection as well as the execution by the campers. It was a bit shorter than NYGASP’s production, but we hardly noticed and were sure that G & S would have also applauded.

Sunday Rebecca et al left and Lily arrived. Judy and I took the boys to Windsor VT to Cider Hill Gardens for their hybrid daylily sale. We bought six—French Tudor, Lilting Belle, Chicago Knobby, Vanilla Fluff, Cedar Waxwing, and South Seas—[I don’t make up the names]. Back at the house, I extended the hybrid daylily bed about three feet to accommodate the new guests. So far they all seem happy.

Later in the afternoon, Eoin, Joe and I made a quick climb to the top of the Gile Mt. tower. For dinner, we all went for Chinese courtesy of Steve. Lily left after the evening.

Today, after Val, Steve and Lucy left, we all got the boat out of the barn and spent the day cleaning it up and out for a sail or pirate cruise.

New blooms: hollyhock.

This double hollyhock almost looks like a peony.

Beware the pirate crew.
Tailless arboreal creatures.

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