Sunday, August 12, 2012

Doom for Buckthorn.

8-12-12 VERMONT: It continues to be hot and rainy with another 0.95 inches of rain in several different showers. I cleared the narrow slot between the pasture split-rail fence and the stone wall that borders the yard near the road.

Several small trees, buckthorn, had grown there up to seven feet or so tall. Buckthorn is an non-native invasive, that looks like a cross between and a cherry and an apple tree. I will spray the stumps with RoundUp to prevent re-growth. I also pulled out berry briers and grape vines—it was a mess. Now I have another bunch of stuff to chip.

Has anybody noticed that the days are shorter? On August 21 the sun will be half-way back to the Equator.

New blooms: globe thistle.

Globe Thistle, just looks prickly.

Mr. Toad, pull up a chair, if you're into yellow.

Indian pipe, Monotropa uniflora, is a flowering plant, angiosperm, but without chlorophyll so it isn't green, doesn't need sun and grows in dark spots. It gets its energy, saprophytically or parasitically, from a fungus that, in turn, lives on tree roots, which brings us back around to the sun as the ultimate source of energy. Now wouldn't they make a nice corsage for the prom?

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