Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Format.

9-12-12 SHORT HILLS: I have retired my old Garden Diary document, begun in 1996, because it got too unwieldy, at over 600 pages, and because I have started using new MS Word software which doesn’t work well with the older format.

So, what’s new. The days are noticeably shorter and evenings cooler, leaves are turning and falling. I have been back outside weeding, using the string trimmer on over-grown areas and catching up after the summer in VT.

Wilpat, the sprinkler system people, were here today attempting to find a leak in the pipes that ran up our water bill this summer. They dug holes and tested the main line in several spots, so far without success, but the suspect list has been narrowed. Tomorrow, they will be back to continue the investigation.

Frank’s Tree will also be here tomorrow to take down one of my favorite trees, a venerable, red oak that died. It has had knobby swellings and lumps around the base of the trunk that appear to have choked the circulatory system. The old tree has left many seedlings around the yard, some of which I will put in appropriate spots, but not near the stump.

Friday Judy and I are off to Italy for a week of touring, eating pasta, relaxing and bolstering the Euro.

The inscrutable Chloe.

Painted turtle. It's usually quite hard to sneak up on them. This guy must have been snoozing in the sun. All summer we thought there were three turtles in the pond, we often saw three at a time, but the last weekend we were there we saw four. Being cold-blooded, poikilothermic, they need the heat of the sun and sun-warmed rock to run their metabolism.

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