Monday, October 29, 2012

Sandy Scare.

10-29-12 SHORT HILLS: We drove down yesterday morning under overcast skies, but with no more than an occasional drizzle and no wind. After getting here, Judy went food shopping, and I closed all the storm windows and switched the outer doors from screens to glass, and brought in the light weight outdoor furniture. This morning we have wind gusts, moderate at worst and a few showers. I cleared all the driveway drains and the gutters that face the driveway on the first story. They were full and so are all the others, but I’m not comfortable enough on an extension ladder any more to do the higher gutters.

I’ve been watching the TV networks this morning, seeing all the reporters on various beaches getting wet and wind blown, the weather people in front of the maps and the anchors at their desks all saying how horrible it’s going to get, worse than ever before, and scolding all the locals who refuse to evacuate. The locals are there mugging in the camera shots from the remote sites. The newsfolk all seem so pleased to be getting all that air time and are barely able to contain their glee while telling us this will be the worst disaster in all of human history.

Here are a few more pix from the VT clean-up.

The bed below the deck before and after the clean-up.

The beds in front of the house before and after cleanup. Judy's help cut the time needed for the clean-up in half.

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