Monday, June 03, 2013

Duck Movie.

6-3-13 VERMONT: Yesterday started with a visit to the pond by a Hooded Merganser, her second short stopover. I caught her on video, which is at the end of the post.

The day started out hot, again, but a midday T-storm ushered in a cold front and the temp dropped twenty degrees. There was a lot of wind and thunder aloft but no local lightening. The storm lasted until late in the evening and delivered 0.70 inches of rain.

Today was in the seventies, breezy and dry. I did a bunch of weeding and pruning. [I need an acronym for weeding, pruning and watering.] Then I got out the string trimmer and did the paths around the house, the blueberries and roses along the fence, and around the small barn and the veggie beds.

While I was there, I checked the corn seedlings and found only about five that failed to germinate and put new seeds in those spots. The tomatoes are still small, but growing. I’ll watch them for a little longer.

New blooms: Jacob’s ladder, meadow rue, false Solomon’s seal.

This lady duck is, I believe, a Hooded Merganser who hit our pond very early yesterday morning, this was her second visit. She quacks, like a duck, about ten seconds from the end of the video.

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